Friday, June 23, 2006

Feeding Frenzy

Since I have turned one, there has been a lot more emphasis on me eating 'real' food, so most of the pictures of me these days happens in a high chair. Here is a photo montage of my messy table manners.
What the first caveman must have looked like when he discovered fire.

Hey!! Get your own!

I learned what to do when mommy says "Say cheese". (Give a cheesy smile!)

Auntie JoAnn brought me this yummy Elmo cupcake. He lost an eye early on in the game. Don't I look thrilled? That was some cupcake!

Hey! This guy is always eating my food!

Sharing with Auntie Marzi. Now if Daddy would only ask before he took a bite!!

Spaghetti Monster (not to be confused with the flying variety). Obviously I was not happy this very unflattering picutre was being taken.


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