Sunday, February 11, 2007

Liam is in the House

Strike a pose

Ok, so I have been postponing the inevitable by not acknowledging my new baby brother's existence sooner...let's just say that I am still adjusting to not being the center of mommy and daddy's world anymore.

Liam arrived at 6:55 AM on January 17th. He weighed 8lbs. 4oz (quite a chunky one huh?). I slept through the whole thing while mommy and daddy were at the hospital, so I didn't have to get involved with all the messy details of childbirth (I lived through that experience once, and that was enough for this girl's lifetime) Anyway, we have all been adjusting nicely to being a family of four. Daddy keeps saying that he can't wait for us to be older so we can play family board games together (ahhh... a man of simple tastes). I just can't wait for Liam (or "baby brother" as I refer to him ) to get older so he stops being so needy... To paraphrase my Cousin Richie when commenting on his little sister Nia's arrival: "He's here, and he's a lot of work" (Richie, you can correct me if I got that wrong).

Anyway, here are some pictures of the little man, the family, and of course, yours truly.

Too young to be camera shy

The new and improved family (The 'improved' part is yet to be determined)

The proud West grandparents

Mommy and Liam

My first attempt at hypnotizing Liam (I think it worked, too! Every time a bell rings he clucks like a chicken.)

Liam clucking like a chicken.

Sleeping Beauty

The proud Pafield grandparents


At 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can't wait to meet Liam and see Lila again!

Thank you for such adorable pictures!


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