Hello my devoted fans. You must be pulling your hair out wondering what I have been up to since I turned the big ONE. Well, I have been quite busy and I have plenty of pictures to prove it,, but I will save that for later. The big news is that I am going to have a brother or sister come January 14th-ish 2007. I've already gone through all the stages of emotions with this one, shock, disbelief, denial... but have finally reached acceptance and am in a good place mentally. Sure it's going to be hard to share all the individualized attention that I have grown accustom to, but my mother keeps assuring me that her loving a new baby will not make her love me any less. But will it allow her to love me MORE... that's what I'm interested in. Plus she said I could help him/her learn some stuff too, like clapping and rolling over,,, you know.. baby stuff. I like telling people what to do...I've gotten it down to a science... a cute, coy, giggling science, so perhaps this baby will fit right in here.
See the resemblance?
I know what you are all thinking.. I was a much cuter embryo... but don't be so hard on him/her. Theres' still time.