A Year in Review
Let's take a little stroll down memory lane to see what I was up to last year at this time.
I remember that this was the first time my mommy could put my hair up in a pony tail. What a chubby little face I had... and boy oh boy,, if you look very closely, you can tell what a drooler I was. The whole top of my shirt is soaked!!
Gretchen and Stefan visited us this month last year.
"Why you little....!"
Stefan is not usually such a domineering child,, but I guess he was getting sick and tired of my childish antics.
Violetta also came for a visit last November. This is a repeat picture so I can shamelssy plug her blog Three Legged Duck.
She's livin' large in Pasadena these days. Welcome back state-side Auntie V, you little Frenchie!! (can I say that?)